But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

my left hand almost died from holding it in some awkward position.
Look at those buildings in my tea! :D
Pieces of the life I had before
my left hand almost died from holding it in some awkward position.
Look at those buildings in my tea! :D
Shucks I shouldn't have came, now I'm going to run away. But that only makes me feel like running further again. My pineapple tarts are waiting for me, there's a new box outside. Haha yay shootyou. I don't know why my mindset changed all of a sudden, awesome shit.
Today was a great day for the most awesome reasons :D
Besides the fact that I left house 1 minute late, (was so tempted to cab again since three empty cabs drove past, but I resisted the temptation cause its turning into a bad habit!) ran LIKE MAD towards the interchage with alot of stuff in my hands, MISSED THE FREAKING BUS (it drove past me. right in front of my eyes). walked back to main road to flag a taxi (but waited for 10 minutes. No taxis when I need them the most..). Two taxis came in a row, gut feeling told me to take the second one but I took the first one anyway. TAXI DRIVER DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO GET TO SCHOOL. Knew I should've taken the second one. Was supposed to do HW on taxi and ended up giving the driver instructions. I was gonna be late so I asked him to be faster but he attitude-ded me instead.
Was trying to look on the positive side of life throughout, it worked until I realised there were so many unfortunate events. Well, I guess there's always a positive side to everything. At least I was not late.
Sex ed talk was.. well sex ed talk. Some parts were hilarious, esp when it comes to uh, adults being frank. Guess it reminded all of us about what the real thing is all about. Nothing's ever too late, we all have our own lives, our own stories to share :]
CTs in 2 freaking weeks, art coursework show and tell in a week's time, 10 quality sketches to go and I'm abit lost. Hopefully I'll find my direction soon. The moment of silence wasn't a nice one in this case.
Looking forward to lit night tomorrow!! Some parts of it. Too bad I'm not a lit student :( :( :( sounds like an awesome load of fun.
Actually it wasn't that nice a day afterall. Me and my mind! Its fine though, gotta live with it. Just don't like how things ended up.
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